Move over pillows NOT in the shape of butts

Move over pillows NOT in the shape of butts

Happy Hump Day!

The Buttress Pillow is getting to the point where our pillows are nearly all perfect, our supply chain is improving and reliable and it's time to show the world why a pillow in the shape of a butt has near perfect reviews from people all over the world from all walks of life. So it's time to make the ultimate commercial.

Commercials... just the word leaves an impression and a bad taste in the mouth. 

They use the same cookie cutter formula. Hire someone famous for millions of dollars to say 3 lines trying to be 'cute.' We don't blame them but if there was a commercial that was enjoyable, makes us smile and they advertise a truly great product, it almost wouldn't be a commercial as we know it. It would be... something BETTER.

Stay tuned!

Butts for all,


Team Buttress

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