Why butts make us happy according to AI 🤖🍑

Why butts make us happy according to AI 🤖🍑

Happy Hump Day!

Answer according to Open AI:

'The sight of buttocks can be aesthetically pleasing to some individuals. Our brains are wired to appreciate symmetry and certain proportions, and a well-shaped and toned buttocks can be visually appealing to many people. This can create feelings of pleasure and satisfaction when looking at them. The sight or touch of buttocks can trigger the release of feel-good hormones such as dopamine and oxytocin, which can create feelings of happiness.'

Thank you robot for that robot answer. If you asked us, we would have just said because they're butts! And they're f%$king magical.

Sometimes it's best not to ask too many questions like 'why would someone buy a pillow in the shape of a butt.' Sometimes, it's better to not think too much, look at the reviews, know that there's a 30 night return policy and just FEEL it.

Don't be a robot. Be a human. Love butts and sleep on them because... we're just human.

We are running dangerously low on stock with our next shipment pushed back to early May! Plus, until the end of the week get 3 extra mini butt keychains with every pillow order (total 6) and get 15% off with your exclusive Butt Lovers Club discount!

Butts for all,


Team Buttress

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